Welcome to my humble homepage.
It is designed with two principles: Keep it simple.
And ”The work isn´t here. It’s out there with all of you!”
What I offer, you can find with a click on –surprise!—”How I can help.”
Who I am, you can read a little about under ”About”.
I will drop in a blog item every few weeks with news from the front — and what I am up to — in work with climate, organic farming and food policy, and related issues in the market and politics. SoMe wizard that I am—I will link to these on linked in.
My step back into having my own business, after 25 years in leadership of a transformative NGO, Organic Denmark, has surprised many. Maybe even myself. But it was time.
I am deeply grateful for all the ”heart”, dedication, creativity, drive and talent among my colleagues and members in Organic Denmark, and our partners in retail, research, politics and leading NGOs. A healthy, collaborative political and market ecosystem, that like all healthy and robust ecosystems, is built on an enormous diversity, a good deal of competition, and a searching for balance and mutual benefits for all. It’s no paradise. But some things are working in Organic Denmark.
Together we have mobilised consumers and retail to make Denmark the world leader in organic sales.
We have created the worlds first organic law, first national organic action plans, first national organic label, first GMO law and Danish organic policies were honored by a silver award in the Future Policy Award for sustainability at the UN in 2018.
Our efforts for organic, climate-friendly and healthier food in the public kitchens – The Danish Model, with organic meals with less meat, more plants, and much less food waste — was adopted by the worlds most climate ambitious cities at the C40 Climate Summit last october. I am also very proud of the climate work we have developed in Organic Denmark, with transformative climate policy for agriculture, strong climate communication to consumers, and a host of practical tools for farmers, from farm-based Climate Action Plans and Climate accounting, to new best practice.
So much for a ”humble homepage”. I am deeply proud.
I will continue to play a role in these efforts in Denmark, while also working internationally, helping leaders in politics, business and NGOs with policy and market initiatives, in the areas of climate, agroecology, and organic farming and food. More on these activities as they unfold.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end!