How I can help

I am often brought in as keynote, speaker or panelist in connection with conferences, and for inspiration and advice in closed policy or strategy sessions for government and/or organizational leaders. I share lessons on how Denmark and nations around the world have accelerated organic market growth and farm transitions with a combination of:

✔ Strong organic policy
✔ Market partnerships and
✔ Organic sector organizations as catalysts for change.

I also serve as “house” advisor for government leaders and CEOs in retail and NGOs; as “hired gun” for sustainability lobby efforts and as lead author or partner in hands-on strategy development for national Organic Action Plans stimulating organic farm and market growth. Recent work in The Netherlands, Canada, Uganda, Tanzania, Indonesia, Ireland, USA and for the European Commission.

You are welcome to contact me, should you also need help with:

Speaking arrangements and training

  • Inspiration on organic policy and market development: Lessons from Denmark
  • Training on advocacy work

Strategy Development

  • Development of national Organic Action Plans and policy for organic food and farming
  • Political strategy
  • Alliances and organizational development

Lobby and Public Affairs initiatives

  • New policy and approaches for your core issues
  • Hands-on lobby initiatives

Partnerships and project development

  • Initiating new strategic partnerships with retail
  • Strategic project and concept development
  • Capacity building in your NGO