
I advise leaders in government, business and organizations around the world who want to develop organic policy and market partnerships that can upscale organic and agroecological farming and grow markets for organic food.

Why? Because organic farming and agroecology are part of the solution for our greatest global challenges — climate, biodiversity, food security and fairness in food systems.

In my background, I have over two decades of executive leadership in a successful, transformative NGO –Organic Denmark–and a long history of political strategy, advocacy and market initiatives ranging from grassroots to global.

I am at my best in–and strive to create–visionary, collaborative, action-oriented, and agile environments that can rethink and drive transformative solutions in complex political, market, media, and cultural environments. Creating results. Making real change. And having some fun while we are at it.

I am also a member of the World Board in IFOAM Organics International, the global organization for the organic sector and movement, with 800 organizations in 100 countries. https://www.ifoam.bio/

Core skills:

  • Political and organizational strategy
  • Innovative policy development, at national, municipal and international level
  • Hands-on, agile and creative lobby work in shifting political environments
  • Agenda setting leadership, -initiatives and -communications.
  • Partnerships and policy that drive organic sales in retail and public procurement
  • Speaking on policy and NGO mobilization, with the Danish organic model as case
  • Curiosity and strong collaborative skills across cultures.

Member, Climate Think Tank CONCITO  , IFOAM Organics International, IFOAM Organics Europe, and  Organic Denmark



CV and selected results

Director, Holmbeck EcoConsult,  March 2020-present (see Recent work)

Director and Political Director, Organic Denmark (Økologisk Landsforening), 1999-2020

Leading role in over two decades of entrepreneurial NGO leadership and public affairs, building one of the world’s leading NGOs in the organic food sector. Solid track record in innovative policy development, partnerships and lobby work which have created cutting edge, political policies and organic sector mobilization, that drive organic innovation, market development, research and greater conversion of farms, food companies and public kitchens to sustainable production.

Organic Denmark is Denmark’s organization for organic farmers, consumers, food professionals, and over 200 food companies representing 90% of Danish organic food sales. Organic Denmark is a strong change agent, driving innovation in organic market development, farm practices, politics, and consumer awareness, and improves food security through agroecology with partners in east africa. Find Organic Denmark here: www.organicdenmark.comwww.okologi.dk.

Head of Political team 1997-99

Policy analyst and lobbyist 1995-1997

Selected political and public affairs results at international, national, and local levels:

  • Lead political lobbyist for some of the world’s strongest and most effective organic policy at international, national, and local levels.
  • A leading contributing author of seven organic action plans, including The Organic Action Plan for Denmark: Working together for more organics, recipient of silver Future Policy Award for sustainability from the UN (FAO, 2018), Future Policy Council, and IFOAM–Organics International.
  • Collaboration with C40 cities on joint declaration (October,2019) “Good Food Cities: Achieving a Planetary Health Diet for All” with call for climate friendly, organic food.
  • Co-founder, Climate Partnership for food & agriculture (2019); development of climate policy and communication; active positioning of the organic food sector in efforts for UN Sustainable Development Goals at the local, national, and international level.
  • Member, Climate Partnership for Retail (2019-2020), developing climate policy for danish government.
  • National financing and policies supporting organic market development, innovation, export promotion, education, product development, research, and “grassroots research.”
  • DK national goal (2019) for doubling organic area and market in 2030.
  • National 60 percent goal for organics in all public kitchens.
  • Lead role in collaboration with 40 percent of Danish municipalities (kommune) on conversion of public kitchens to climate friendly, organic food; and using organic farming in local climate efforts, and in protection of nature- and drinking water resources.
  • Lead lobbyist coordinating successful multi country lobby effort for the first EU organic action plan, establishment of the first EU Organic Advisory Group for the EU Commission, and a total ban on GMOs in organic food production.
  • Central role in development of communication strategy and tone of voice creating high consumer trust and a powerful sustainability profile for the Danish organic label which now has the highest consumer trust and highest organic market share in the world.
  • Created effective partnerships across all parties in parliament, all retail food chains in DK, and with the leading organizations for consumers, environment, agriculture, and climate.
  • Speaker and advisor to leaders in government, business, and organizations around the world in relation to organic policy development, CSR, SDGs, and strategic communication.
  • World’s first GMO law protecting, compensating organic farmers for GMO contamination.
  • National recognition of organic farming as a policy tool for drinking water protection.
  • Integration of organic farming and free “organic conversion checks” to farmers as policy tools in broad national strategies for protection of aquatic environment, quality of drinking water, green economic growth, pesticide reduction, and rural development.
  • CEO responsible for strategy, public affairs, and capacity development. Hired as employee number 7. Grew organization to 65, establishing new teams for market development, innovation, and communication. Lead fusion of 8 organic associations to one.

Journalist and Editor, 1984-1995

Political, economic, and environmental reporter (or regular contributor) in among others: The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Associated Press, The News and Observer, National Public Radio (NPR), National Black Network, and Pacifica News Service.

European Editor, Regional Technology Strategies, USA (1993-95). Coverage of research, policy, cases in SME collaboration in market- and product development, process innovation.

Journalist, The Leader, Research Triangle Park, N.C., (1987-88). Based in one of the largest tech centers in the US, covered regional environmental and economic development policies; water quality; product innovation; CSR; University/corporate collaboration.


Duke University, USA, B.A. Political Science 1979-84, magna cum laude

University of Kent, UK, Diploma in Political Economy 1981-82

Representative roles and honors

World Board Member, IFOAM – Organics International

Member, Advisory Board, Thise Dairy

Member, Steering Committee, Climate Partnership (for Agriculture and Food sector, DK), made up of Danmarks two ministries responsible for Climate and Food/Agriculture, the Danish Agriculture and Food Council (Landbrug & Fødevarer) and Organic Denmark, 2019.

Member, Climate Partnership for the Retail sector, 2019-2020

Member, National Advisory Council on Organic Farming and Food (1995-2015), advising the ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Chairman, co-founder, and lead negotiator (1982-1991) for several coalitions and organizations in the USA developing cutting edge policy and partnerships for housing and economic development in low-income urban areas, including establishing non-profit housing builders and partnerships with financial institutions and local governments, and achieving finansing for pioneer housing and micro-lending programs.

Nordic Organic Outstanding Achievement Award 2018

Grand Pris winner, One World Award for contribution to agroecology 2021 (IFOAM Organics International)

Kraks Blå Bog (Who’s who in Denmark, 2005 to present)


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